The African seminars in Brazzaville, Congo

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The African seminars in Brazzaville, Congo, will remain a major step in the history of the Raelian Movement in Africa. Last year in Ghana, it was the first major encounter between the African Raelians and the Prophet Rael. This year in Congo, he launched them in an adventure that we may not fully grasp yet…
« To save the planet, we must start with saving Africa! And to save Africa, we must create the United States of Africa and you must carry this mission”. “Gather all the “Africanians”, that is to say, all those who want to act in order to make this continent the richest of all the continents, whether these people are Raelians or not, whether they are Africans or not. Thanks to the wealth of its soil and the wealth of its people, this continent can become the richest.”
« To create the United States of Africa is a first step. It could be created quickly by gathering all the African traditional chiefs and federating all the ethnic groups without considering the actual borders that have been drawn by the colonials. This meeting could take place here in Congo at the request of President Sassou Nguesso, if he wants to, as he is himself one of these traditional chiefs.”The 550 African Raelians coming from 15 different countries committed themselves to follow that direction with a lot of emotion and they followed with passion all the awakening teachings that were given to them during the week.
Amongst the missions given to the members of the African Raelian Movement there was the one to promote the new technologies, including Genetic Modifications to end starvation in Africa. He reminded us that this was the only way to fully stop famine and then make the population of farmers finally rich. Hortense Dodo, an expert in genetic modification who was born in Ivory Coast, made a fantastic expose where she stressed out the fact that it isn’t normal that this continent starves while the majority of its population is farming. It is urgent to produce what Africa needs. Already the Burkina Faso teams have been able to change the public perception on GMO in their country, thanks to their mobilization, and it is today possible to implement GMO projects in Burkina Faso. It is now the turn of the other countries on this continent to achieve the same.

The Prophet Rael said several times that this continent will be the richest of all if it conducts this cultural and political revolution and gets rid of the influence of the colonizers fully, especially associating to other countries that have been previously colonized like China and India…

To reach the seminar’s location, the huge “Palace of Government” (our deep thanks to the Congolese Government for welcoming us so comfortably), some of us had to go through real ordeals. A group from Pointe Noire were in a train that derailed and had to walk 20 miles to reach the nearest station and catch another train. It took them 3 days and nights to finally reach us, happy and exhausted.
The mobilization of the African Raelians to receive the teachings of the Prophet Rael is really moving. Two professors from high school even took their pupils to the teachings as they knew they would get the finest and latest scientific information on how our body and brain function. Many expressed the desire of young African to hear the last Prophet…
This is one of the reasons why the Prophet Rael is calling all the Raelians of the world for help with these words: “I wish to help all the African students, school boys and girls, to attend the seminars and I am asking all the Raelians of the world to collect money for operation “Raelian Africa” in
order to offer to all African school boys and girls the means to attend the seminar for free if possible.”
The operation is being implemented now and we will let you know soon where to make your donation for this very special cause as most of the young people who came had no money to travel and no money to eat during the whole week. Thanks to a few Raelians in Europe who heard about the situation and wired some money, they were able to come, and the African fraternity made them all eat. Tai is confident that if we start organizing it
now, we may have to rent a stadium to gather them all next yearJ. Let’s make it happen together!!!

The Prophet Rael is the Prophet who will end starvation on Earth and then bring eternal life…. There is no better mission than following him and this is what more than 200 newcomers decided at the end of the seminar when they joined the structure of the Raelian Movement.
A few new guides were nominated and 3 new National Guides.
Yves Boni for Ghana Gildas ….. for South Africa Landry Gomat for Congo Brazzaville as Jerome, the previous national guide, is now in charge of all the Central African states.
We wish you, Yves, Gildas and Landry a great success in your new endeavour….

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