Adam and Eve were black

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“This is a scoop, I have never told anyone, I couldn’t say it until this year, but you should know, Adam and Eve were black”

These were the last words of a short interview that our Beloved Prophet gave at his arrival in Brazzaville to about twenty journalists gathered in the VIP salon of the Maya-Maya airport.
The ambiance there was hard to describe after the revelation.
He also said that the best revenge over the colonizers would be to be better than them, especially in science, and it is possible.
Especially for the women who were the slaves of the slaves. He
gave the example of Dr. Hortense Dodo from Ivory Coast who
successfully modified peanuts so that they don’t give allergy anymore to those who were affected before… An example of how science gives love and how African women can be the best at it!
Outside of the airport, a large crowd was gathered and the official Kimbanguist marching band welcomed him playing “Moi y’en a T’aimer” and our Hymn “Elohim”. It was so moving… many of us cried of joy…
The Prophet Rael recon it was the best welcome he ever had…The day after he gave a press conference in front of almost 100 people followed by 6 private interviews….

Here are a few words of what he said:
Congo will forever be the first country where I was officially invited by a President. It has therefore a special place in the heart of the Elohim, just like the African continent has a special place in the heart of the Elohim. Why? One of the reasons, I couldn’t reveal it until this year, until this trip to
Congo. It is as well a reason of our success in the non-white countries, in Asia, in Africa. Why does the movement develop faster in those countries? Because for the first time, a message is given saying that we have been created at the image of our creators. A few years ago, the Catholic Church
dared say that blacks had no soul and that God was white. It tries to get us to forget it today, but we must remind them.
Elohim have 7 races on their planet and they have created 7 races on earth. All races on earth can look up in the sky and feel that they are at the image of their creator. The message of the Elohim gives them back their dignity, their beauty, their majesty, all races.
And now what I can say today is that there were a first man and a first woman and that they couldn’t be from all 7 races. What I want to reveal today is that they were black. It doesn’t mean that they were better than the others, but it is good that you know it.

In the tormented history of Africa, composed with enslavement, tortures, massacres, the worst was bared by the Africans. The message of the Elohim is hope for the African people. The Elohim wish the Embassy to be in Jerusalem… Africa is not far from Jerusalem. If Israel keeps giving us the cold shoulder, the Elohim will be happy to come to Congo, and why not in this area of Congo called the Katanga. It is not random that this country was the first to welcome me, and that my ringleader on this continent, my right
hand on this continent, Uriel Nawezy, is a prince descending from the last Katanga’s emperor. We hope that one day he will be able to reestablish the Katanga’s power. The Raelian movement doesn’t participate in politics, unless they are useful to the purpose of our creators.

Each human group must be independent. The problems in Africa all come from the colonialism. None of the actual borders were there before the colonization. With a few strokes of the pen given on a card by the English, French and Belgians, the people is divided in 3… just imagine if the same thing was to happen to Europe… Africans come, and decide to divide France in 3 and make it 3 countries!! There never was genocides before colonization, there were battles, but never were there genocides like Rwanda.
Those genocides are the direct result of the colonization. It is urgent to create the United States of Africa.
More and more African countries associate themselves to China and India. Those 3 powers together can very quickly dominate and the old colonizers will become the new 3d world.
When this comes to pass I hope that you will be able to help them better than they helped you.

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