The Raelian Movement offers its full support to Carib chief Charles Williams and the Carib nation

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Las Vegas, March 3rd, 2005 – Following a recent article published by BBC (, RAEL, spiritual leader of the International Raelian Movement, issued the following statement: “On behalf of the 60,000 members of the International Raelian Movement, I would like to offer our unconditional support to Carib Chief Charles Williams and the Carib Nation for not giving up on their heritage that they hold so dear. We should never allow money-hungry corporations, like Disney, to take advantage of Natives for the sole purpose of financial gain.?For many years, dating back to the 1500’s, the Carib Indians have long been regarded as ferocious, fearsome, and cannibalistic when in fact, they were simply trying to protect what was theirs by being vehemently opposed to colonization. Otherwise stated, they were just responding to the brutality laid upon them by the colonizers and intruders of their beloved land. In truth, white colonizers have always been driven by an unrestrained “materialism” leading to an era of greed, crime, wars and ruthless cultural and spiritual colonization of indigenous peoples all over the world. And so the aforementioned description of the Carib Natives was simply a convenient lie for the colonizers to justify their actions, just as the American colonizers of today justify their actions in Iraq and Afghanistan by describring a entire population as evil and terrorist.

More recently, the Carib Nation of Dominica has been, once again, the target of unfair and racist characterization at the hands of the Disney Empire, which undertakes their newest film venture. In this upcoming release, the Caribs are portrayed as cannibals. But the Caribs have long denied their ancestors practiced cannibalism.

In that light, Rael hopes that all aboriginal People will apostatize from the religion of their colonizers so that they can rediscover their roots and revive their original religion, that of their ancestors. These precious religions are now almost entirely extinct because of colonization and the forcible conversion to Christianity.

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