The Prophet RAEL and African Raelians support the recommendations made by Muammar Khadafy

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DARFOUR – The Prophet RAEL and African Raelians support the recommendations made by Muammar Khadafy to the President of the African Union, Denis Sassou Nguesso.

The member States of the current African Union must indeed do everything to avoid any attempt at foreign military interference on African ground. If the African Union really wants the unification of Africa and carry out a real decolonization of the African continent, it must be opposed to the European project, which aims at the installation of a military base of the European Union in central Africa that would allow the permanent parking of European military elements in Africa to intervene in internal conflicts that only concern Africa and Africans.The President-in-Office of the African Union, Denis Sassou Nguesso should, as so well said by the Libyan guide Muammar Khadafy, quickly set up a Pan African army guardian of peace, and proceed to the abolition of all the national armies of the member States of the African Union. This is feasible quickly; all it takes is some goodwill and decision. Africa can manage itself very well on this level and does not need European military intervention on its soil. Africa must once and for all say no to this paternalistic and colonial mentality of certain European States!

To find a solution to the African geopolitical crises, such as that of Darfur, Africa does not need the consultation or the intervention of
Europe. Africa needs to consider the harmful consequences at the political, economic and social level of the arbitrary determination of the current borders, resulting from the Christian European colonization. It is the only way of finding a solution to the geopolitical crises. Thus, there will be no solution to the crisis in Darfur without a return to the old borders as before colonization, because Darfur was formerly a prosperous Kingdom, which holds its name from the ethnic group “Four”, that numbered six million inhabitants, living on a territory of the size equivalent to two thirds of France. In 1916, the Kingdom of Darfur was arbitrarily and by force attached to the current Sudan, one of the most unstable countries of Africa, which collapsed since its Independence under the yoke of military dictatorships, at the service of the ex-colonizer and auto colonizing its own people without scruples, one of which is the ethnic group ”Four” of Darfur. It is completely legitimate and normal that after all these sufferings, the ”Darfur” aspires to autonomy and independence.

A solution to the crisis in Darfur is impossible without going through a revalorization and recognition of the legitimate kings of Darfur. There will be no solution without the implication of the Prince of Darfur, His Royal Highness Mahamat Abbo Sileck, political opponent from nearby Chad and President of the political party A.N.R. (National Alliance for Resistance), who was stopped and arbitrarily imprisoned in Sudan at the end of October 2005! (

The Prophet RAEL and African Raelians support the “Liberation Committee” which works for the liberation of the Prince of Darfur and thus recommend to the President-in-Office of the African Union, Denis Sassou Nguesso, to do everything for the liberation of the Prince of Darfur, and to implicate him in the search for a final solution for Darfur, which is neither the business of Chad nor of Sudan, but to the true ancestral and legitimate Kings of the Crown of Darfur, which will know as it always did in olden times, to take care of its people, having the right to a seat within the future United States of Africa that will have to be composed of new ethnic micro states based on the natural borders of before the era of colonization, such as the Prophet recommends in the “Words of the Prophet Rael for a new Africa” ( In other words, Africa must revalorize its old empires, kingdoms, sultanates, federate between them and within these future United States of Africa, the only salvation for a real decolonization and the survival of Africa.

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