Home The Happiness Academy The Happiness Academy 74AH (2019) of Kama in Elohika (Burkina Faso)

The Happiness Academy 74AH (2019) of Kama in Elohika (Burkina Faso)

The Happiness Academy at Elohika

This year as every year, the Happiness Academy is the place to be to questioning one’s infinite happiness, this thanks to the extraordinary teaching of Rael Maitreya.

He always knows what to touch to work on it and go to the next level to harmonize with infinity.

Happiness is here and now, he says. It’s a decision you have to make at every moment of your life, it’s easy to get there but the hardest part is to staying there.

The real Happiness Academy is not during these moments that we spend together with hundreds of Raelians and non-Raelians. The real Happiness Academy begins at the end of the event, when we return to the jungle of everyday life, happiness is all year round.

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