Home Press Releases Rael Names Minister Farrakhan ‘Honorary Guide of Humanity’

Rael Names Minister Farrakhan ‘Honorary Guide of Humanity’

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louis farrakhan
LAS VEGAS, June 27 2011 – Rael, founder and leader of the International Raelian Movement (IRM; see www.rael.org) has awarded the title “Honorary Guide of Humanity” to Minister Louis Farrakhan, head of the controversial Nation of Islam.

According to a statement released this morning by the IRM, Farrakhan “is a peaceful revolutionary, well known in the United States for his controversial positions on social and political matters.”

“After Minister Farrakhan exposed U.S. and NATO criminal war actions in Libya and Africa in a recent press conference at the U.N. Plaza Hotel in New York, Rael decided to award him the Honorary Guide title,” said Brigitte Boisselier, IRM spokesperson, adding that Rael bestows this distinction “only upon those who place humanity’s interest before their own and their own lives.”

Boisselier said Farrakhan’s facts and comments are in perfect agreement with many statements made by Rael, who regards today’s conflicts in Afghanistan, Iran and Libya as “obvious failures of the United Nations (see www.Raelnews.org).” And she mentioned another recent statement in which Rael said international aggression against Libya “has been covered up under the pretext of protecting the civilian population,” and that “the real reason is to hoard the oil and combat Kadhafi’s idea of creating a currency based on gold, which could be used instead of the dollar for oil transactions.’’Boisselier said Farrakhan’s address identified another important fact.

“When he addressed the U.N. members, especially those now attacking Libya, he pointed out that NATO is in direct conflict with their own resolution of 1973, which is supposed to protect the civilians now being killed by NATO’s bombs,” Boisselier explained. “In addition, his letter of support to President Kadhafi has a lot in common with those sent [to Kadhafi] by our spiritual leader, Rael.”

Boisselier said the 21st century’s real world revolution is not where most people think.

“It’s not in the streets of Libya as the media would like us to believe,” she concluded. “It’s in the Western countries, in the actions of those like Minister Farrakhan and other true Guides of Humanity, those who can no longer tolerate wars and are now gathering to end centuries of colonialism and hopefully stop the dictatorship of the few and place the people’s interest – humanity’s interest – in command instead.”


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