Message of His Holiness Rael to the President of the Republic of Congo

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February 2, 2004 – Much has been said on development and progress in Africa. His Holiness Rael reminds African leaders that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) represent a key element and a priority for a real development of Africa because they can solve the problem of hunger, as shown in the following message that He just addressed to the President of Congo.

“It is crucial for the future development of Africa in general and of Congo in particular, that priority be given to the promotion of GMO in agriculture. Africa is directly in touch with food urgency and the necessity to develop self-sufficient farm-produce industry. Far from politically correct “green” snobbism, this is a field in which Africa can finally become more advanced than the former colonizers, thanks to the slowing effect of Judeo-Christian blocks and the ethicist mood of the well-fed rich ecologists in developed countries. Only GMO can solve to the problem of world hunger.The President of Congo should become a pioneer in this field by engaging his country in a whole GMO program and by giving it a priority in his budget. A country that is well fed does no longer revolt. Furthermore, if it can produce more than it needs, it could feed its neighbors and export, giving a bright future to Congo.

GMO are far more important than oil! Nobody can eat oil. The neo-colonialist superpowers such as the USA have shown that they are ready to invade any country in order to get its oil resources under the pretext of “bringing democracy”, replacing the former pretext of “pacifying the savage populations” used by the past European colonizers who came in fact to steel the countriesā€™ resources. These superpowers are powerless in front of GMO, because GMO can grow everywhere, feed the local populations, and cannot be spoiled by the huge bribes and endemic corruption that affect the oil industry.

GMO are a weapon to fight the multinational companies. They contribute to the liberation of the peoples in developing countries”.

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