Home Africa Assessment of the 50 years of Independence in Kama/Africa (Video)

Assessment of the 50 years of Independence in Kama/Africa (Video)

Les 50 années de l'indépendance africaine est un mensonge - Raël en Octobre 2010

By Prophet RAËL – Tokyo, Japan, November 12, 64 aH. (2009)

The assessment of the 50 years of independence? Of the so-called African independence? This assessment is not a pretty one because in effect, there is no Independence. Everything that is being said about these 50 years of independence are lies, there has not truly been any independence. There has been a mockery of independence, but a true independence would have been to go back to what existed before colonialism.

What was in place before colonialism? Ethnicities, groups that were nations, because each ethnicity is a nation, and each had borders completely different from what exists today, totally different religions from what exists in our days, a culture totally different from what exists today. And all this was colonized. Then, 50 years ago, a mockery of political independence took place, borders were decided by people who never set a foot in Africa. Somewhere in Europe, they divided Kama among themselves, dividing it like a pie, without ever going to see on site, and this gave way to appalling divisions that create wars because certain ethnicities are given a great power in falsely democratic ways because those ways are set by Europeans – and other ethnicities, such as the Hutus and the Tutsis, see themselves dominated, ill-treated by others, put in power by the Europeans. That is the root of these genocides and terrible, never ending conflicts!

The only solution is the return to pre-colonial borders, to pre-colonial traditions, and to everything that was there before, including the way to dress.

When I see African presidents and ministers dressed with the suit and tie of the colonizers, their ancestors must be pulling the little bit of hair they have left and feel betrayed! These ministers dressed in a suit and tie must go back to the traditional African outfit. Why copy the blood-thirsty colonizers who came to pillage Africa to take their resources and reduce people to slavery? It is treason that African presidents and ministers who are supposed to be independent dress like Europeans. They are traitors to Africa when they copy Europeans. There are a few African leaders who have the courage to dress in an African fashion. All the others are traitors to their culture. One could have the false excuse those ones dresses like foreign visitors to please them. But I have never seen the French president or the British prime minister dress in an African manner when African heads of state come to visit them in an effort to please them ! So this is a double standard.

The most beautiful example of decolonization was given by Mao Tse Toung. China was also colonized, like India, like the entire planet, colonized by a minuscule European minority, who, through force, violence and blood, colonized the whole planet. North America, South America, Africa, India, the Middle East, all these were colonies, empires, the British empire, the French empire. The only one who understood how to get rid of all that – besides Gandhi a little but better – : Mao Tse Toung when he launched the Cultural Revolution and got rid of everything that could have been of European colonizing influence.

The Japanese were lucky to refuse the acceptance of non-Japanese culture and that is why Japan, where I am right now, is a country that I love because they stirred clear of all that pollution from colonization.

A cultural revolution is necessary if Kama wants to become independent, if Africa really wants to become independent, because it is still not independent. It is still not so because its resources are still pillaged by large economical European and American conglomerates. It is still not independent because the political systems that were put in place at the time of independence were decided by colonizers who put powers in place, drew borders and then, when they left, put people in place that were supposedly elected democratically and who maintained the same borders and values. That is not decolonization.

Contact 363 Dec 24th, 64aH

At the religious level, Africans have to understand that their ancestors have been colonized, tortured and massacred in order to force them to accept colonization; they have also been tortured, massacred and ill-treated so they would change religion. Conversion to Christianity has been done by force and by violence. African people, the ancestors you have, are still alive on the Elohim’s planet. They are watching you, and they see their descendants, you, dressed like their tormentors; they are desperate! If you want to find the truth again held in the cult of your ancestors, annul your baptism, apostatize from the religion of the colonizers. And then, your ancestors will look at you with pride, saying, look, finally, our descendants are independent at last. But for now, you are not. They make you believe in independence, there is a flag, government leaders: they are puppets, at the orders of international powers, and you know it, who take a maximum amount of money and put it in Swiss bank accounts while Africa is starving to death mostly everywhere.

One example is the basilica of Yamoussoukro, it is an aberration! An American woman has just launched an operation that I had initiated over 30 years ago, telling the Vatican that if they are so concerned with the poor, with hunger in Africa and elsewhere, why don’t they sell the Vatican and with that money everyone can be fed! Because this Christian religion which values they praised, with which you were colonized and that always said “poverty is beautiful, to possess nothing is beautiful”. OK, so do it yourselves! May the Pope sell the whole Vatican, it is a city! And with that money, there is enough to feed all of the Africans for over a century. But NO, they remain in luxury while in African churches, they continue to preach poverty, humility… these are jokes! It is the sequel to colonization. So, if you managed 1% of political decolonization, that is to say a mockery, spiritual decolonization itself has never been done. You continue to mimic Europeans by dressing like them, by renouncing your values and your traditions. You continue with everything! A religious decolonization is a must. Apostatize, annul your baptism. Send a massive amount of letters to churches saying I repudiate my baptism, I go back to the religion of my ancestors so they maybe proud of me. That’s it! So, for the decolonization of Africa it is a waste of 50 years, but it is not too late to start.

I have a project that is in process of being put in place: The United States or rather, the United Kingdom of Africa because it is necessary to go back to the ethnic groups, to the original ethnic nations federated into a united Africa – the same way Europeans do it in a united Europe – a united Africa, a united Kama, the united Kingdom of Kama And all the puppets put in place by Europe, leading large states with presidents and ministers, are to disappear, and be replaced by the original kingdoms with the kings and ministers who used to take care of their peoples, of their ethnic groups. All these people federated into states of Kama, with a new currency, the Afro, it can be called that way or Kamo, as the one and only currency and the removal of all custom borders that will help rid Africa of the greatest African cancer: corruption. Because all that is imported and crosses the borders generates corruption that all of you Africans suffer from everyday. By doing away with border customs as Europe did, most of the corruption that plagues Africa will disappear.

So, that is simple and easy to set up. Moreover, Africa is not alone. That is to say, African populations have extraordinary allies who are in fact in the process of taking care of Africa better than the former colonizers. Currently, China for example is the biggest investor in Africa and that disturbs Europeans and Americans. And that is fantastic! They know the problem well because they have been colonized too. So, the united states of Africa or the united kingdom of Africa, all these African states have to terminate their communication and investment and ban investments from Europe and ask the former colonized nations to form a partnership with them. It would be a planetary federation of formally colonized countries, China, Africa, and South America with Hugo Chavez who is doing fantastic things in Venezuela. If all these countries, victim of the old European imperialism, were to become allies (and Americans are very scared of that, so are Europeans). The European midget would be swept away. And that is what needs to be done.

The future of Africa is not only an economical alliance but a military one as well to protect themselves at every level, to protect themselves from the colonists who are ready to do anything in order to come back

. Because, as long as the economy was more or less steady, decolonization was beautiful, it was in, it was fashionable. But now that Europe and America are feeling the effects of the crash, Europeans and Americans are going to start to be hungry again. They are already in the street. They are already homeless in various places. The number of unemployed is increasing at an incredible pace. The world economical system is in the process of collapsing. Economical interests are going to become strong again and they will want to colonize once again the colonies they lost, in bloody conflicts, invasions and genocides.

All of this is taking shape under the pretense of helping third world countries, under the pretense of bringing peace. That is what the illegal occupation of Iraq by the USA is all about; their foremost interest is to take the oil. If tomorrow Saudi Arabia is to become truly independent and the other countries producing petroleum are too, and that is what is happening with Hugo Chavez in Venezuela who wants to become independent, Americans will be very scared and Europeans too because they are about to lose control of the petroleum supply. So there is no such thing as true decolonization and to protect itself from that, Africa, China, India, Chavez in Venezuela, all these people need to become partners to create a world bank of former colonized countries that help one another: investments, that help one another: military alliances to protect themselves from the colonists who will soon have only one wish to come back by force. You can see all this already. You have soldiers in Africa, French soldiers for instance, who are there in the name of cooperation. Cooperation is indeed a very beautiful word. It means that they are there with the excuse to say that if there were political unrest, they would be able to help defend the French populations living in Africa. Just a moment! If there is political unrest in Europe and it does happen in certain countries, are there African military people to protect the black population who live there? NO! So there is no equivalence, not even any reciprocity. It is still paternalism, a conquistador disposition that is put in place to say: “you are independent, but watch out we have an eye on you, we still patronize you, we watch that all goes well, otherwise, we will be back.” That is unacceptable!

That is why it is in Africa’s interest to become partners with China which still remains the biggest country in the world, now the first economical power in the world and also represents almost one fourth of humanity. That’s the reason why China is in the mist of becoming the super power of the world and why they will never have invasions again. They have nuclear weapons. It is not such a good thing. It would be wonderful if the whole world got rid of them but seeing the massive quantity of these weapons in America and Europe, they are right to produce some. If you don’t want us to make them anymore, destroy all those you have in Europe and all those you have in America. Then we’ll see. It is so laughable to see Europe or America tell Iran “Ho, Iran is going to have a nuclear bomb, let’s invade Iran!” There are 10,000 of them in the USA! There are 10,000 of them in Europe ! So, why don’ t you start by destroying what you have before worrying about THE tiny little nuclear bomb that Iran may make one day! And who has the right to make it! Why would the USA and the old European imperialist nations have the right to have nuclear bombs but not India or China and especially not Africa! NO! Equality is there for everyone.

China and India combined will soon represent 3 billion human beings that is to say almost half of humanity. And Africa has to join that half of humanity as a former victim of colonization and they must create an international of the former victims of colonization without being revenge-minded. Because love and compassion must also rule without ever making Europeans and Americans endure what they have made others endure but by preventing this from happening again, treating others at the very least equally. It is very likely that with the economic and intellectual wealth found in the Chinese, Indian, South American, African Block that possess all the world wealth that one day Europe and the USA may become third world countries. And it will be up to the people of Africa and to the former colonized nations to help them but to help them better. Because aid to help developing countries ended up, being aid that kept countries under developed. It will be up to you, future populations of Africa and of Kama, of all the former colonized states to help sincerely.

Currently, Africans are waiting in line to immigrate to rich countries, like France, etc.

I, Prophet Rael, predict to you that one day, Europeans will stand in line to be accepted as immigrants in Africa.

I hope, I count on you to treat them better than they treat you when you go to Europe. The situation is about to turn around. You already see what I am telling you here materialize. A lot of people who hold a university diploma from French Universities, go back home, back to Africa instead of finding a job in France or in the USA because they are treated better there, because there is no racism there and because they are going to develop in a much stronger way by creating enterprises in Africa. The Chinese understood that and are starting to massively invest in Africa. It is extraordinary, it is magnificent. Increase your links with China and India, with Chavez in Venezuela and Africa will soon become the place where the poor Europeans will go in order to try to get a job!

It is in your hands to welcome them with love.


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